Friday, May 26, 2006

Better coding?

Better codes?

Better code!!! I guess I am crazy but it forces out of me whenever I see what mess the application code has become these days. Colleges most often teaches about O(n) and algorithms. Four years after my college, I have never heard about O(n). I wonder does it make sense in times of bloated software's. On one side Microsoft & Sun has made the coding so easy but on the down side they sort of made the application developers dumb. Programming paradigm changed so radically on late 90's, the mantra these days is about knowing the API and application development has sort of become assembly lines in a manufacturing industry. I didn't anticipate this when I aspired to major in Computer Science (way back early 90's). Isn't programming about fun and creative? or do I miss something?... Today I got so frustrated which forced me to spill out this.

- Thou shall always write modular Class that exhibits high cohesion and less coupling
- Thou shall not create Collections with default allocation and waste memory.
- Thou shall not abuse call by reference
- Thy must program to interface
- Thou shall not have deep class inheritance hierarchy
- Thou shall not solely interrupt Object Oriented Programming as code reuse.
- Thy must remove the deprecated code and keep the code clean.
- Thou shall be knowledgeable on richness of the language.